Building & Codes

Permits: Building, Additions, Remodels, Pools, Signage, & Driveways

The Town of Coopertown has adopted the 2018 International Building Codes. Any Owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the building official and obtain the required permit, unless otherwise exempt.

Call the Coopertown Building & Codes Department for regulations in your specific zoning district.

A Building Permit Application can be obtained by clicking on the link below. To expedite your permit request, please call the Building and Codes Department at (615) 382-4470, ext. 215. Staff can assist you with details necessary for obtaining a permit. Note: Call ahead to set up a meeting time as we are often in the field and not in the office.

Click here for the Fee Schedule

Building Permit Application

All post-frame construction dwellings need to have an engineer design and stamped drawing before permit issuance (this includes barndominiums).

Mechanical Permit Application-New or Replacement of HVAC, water heaters, solar panels,
etc.= $75.00

Grading Permit Application-

Acreage Disturbed                                       Fee

Less than 1.00 acre                                      No Fee

1.00 acre to less than 5.00 acres             $200

5.00 acres or greater                                  $200 + $30 per acre


(requires a separate permit for each phase; applicant is responsible for obtaining all applicable State and Federal licenses, certificates and
letters of approval.)

Pools, Spas, & Hot Tubs

Click Here for Pool Regulations

Above Ground = $50.00

In-Ground = $250.00


Fences over seven (7) feet in height and Retaining Walls with a height of four (4) feet or greater require a permit as well as stamped engineered plans from a State of TN Licensed Engineer or Architect.

Permits $150


 Coopertown's Sign Ordinance is located in the Zoning Ordinance under Section 4.080.


Click here for Coopertown's 

Agricultural Use Buildings

Permit Required - No Fee

Agricultural use structures include tobacco barns, dairy barns, horse stables, and farrowing houses.  Although permits are required to construct this type of building there is no fee.

Driveway Permits:

Installation of all NEW driveways require a Driveway Permit prior to starting the project.  The Driveway Permit fee is $50.00.  This fee covers the Site Inspection required to determine proper culvert size and placement.  Note:  Due to the topography in certain areas of Coopertown, driveways having a grade of >8% may require blueprints from a Tennessee State Licensed Civil Engineer (See Driveway Regulations). Property Owners may utilize the Town's Engineer or hire their own Tennessee State Licensed Engineer to create blueprints, either are at the Owners expense.  If utilizing the Town's Engineer there is a 5% administration fee included in their hourly rate.

Click Here for a Driveway Permit Application

Commercial & Residential Construction

Commercial/Industrial Building Permits = $1.10 per sq. ft.

Living Space Enclosed (includes Modular/Manuf. Homes) = $1.00 per sq. ft.

Room Additions = $1.00 per sq. ft.

Remodels involving structural changes, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, etc. =  .50 cents per sq. ft.

Attached/Detached Garages and Accessory Structures = .25 cents per sq. ft.

Decks, Porches and Patios covered/uncovered = .25 cents per sq. ft

Single Wide Trailer (New or Used) = $1,000.00 and requires a minimum of 4 acres in Zone A.

Storm Shelters and Cellars = .25 cents per sq. ft.

Plumbing Permits

Obtain a Plumbing Permit from Springfield Water Department:

(615) 382-1600

924 Central Ave.

Springfield, TN 37172

Electrical Permits

Electrical permits must be obtained through the State of Tennessee. Click Here. 

NOTE:  Both contractors and homeowners can create accounts within the CORE system in order to directly  purchase electric permits and schedule inspections.

Gas Permits

Contact Springfield Gas Company to see if gas is available in your area:

(615) 382-1621

To initiate gas service or to request a service line installation, call Springfield City Hall:

(615) 382-2200

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