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An Ordinance Amending the Town of
Coopertown Sign Ordinance by
Adding Language Regarding Drive-In Movie Theaters
Mixed Use Industrial/Commercial Zone (MUIC) Design Guidelines
Budget Amendment Fy 2024-2025
Amend the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget
An Ordinance Replacing Ordinance
No.2019-009 To Regulate Peddlers,
Solicitors, Transient Vendors, Etc.
An Ordinance to Amend Ordinance
2022-016, Town of Coopertown
Personnel Policy Manual, with Ordinance 2024-013
Design Guidelines For Mixed Use
Residential/Commercial Development Within the Town of Coopertown, Tennessee.
An Ordinance to Amend Article IV, Section 4.042 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Coopertown
An Ordinance Amending the Planning
Commission Fee Schedule for
Reinspections in the Town of
An Ordinance to Amend Ordinance 2024-013, Town of Coopertown Personnel Policy Manual, with Ordinance 2024-020
An Ordinance to amend the zoning ordinance of the Town of Coopertown by amending an area currently zoned agricultural (A) to rural residential (RA) and change the zoning map in compliance with such amendment.
Hunter Crouch request to rezone 1.00 acre of James Lipscomb property at 3856 Sandy Springs Rd map 100 part of parcel 160.00 from Agriculture A to Rual Residential RA
An Ordinance replacing Ordinance 2023-007, Public Records Procedures
An Ordinance to replace Ordinance 2022-004 Authorizing a credit card in the name of the Town of Coopertown
Budget Amendment
Authorizing Credit Card in the Name of
the Town of Coopertown.
Open Records Request
Premier Bldg Group Rezone 2076
Martins Chapel Church A to RA
Jayson Wheat Rezone Washington Rd.
A to RA
Zoning Ordinance ART II, V, VI, VIII
Planning Commission Fee Schedule
Michael Crawley Rezone Old
Coopertown & Alvin Head A to RA
Budget FY 2022-2023 CURRENT
Adopt by Reference State Offense
Placing Hazardous Items on Roadway
Ayerly Development Inc. Rezone 4427
Washington Rd. A to RA
An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning
Ordinance of the Town of
Coopertown, Article IV, Section 4.080,
F. #7, j. Standards for Signs, Billboards
(Off-Premise), and Other Advertising
BZA approve Use prior to PC Site Plan
Repeal and Replace 2018-008
Personnel Policy Manual
Pratt Property Rezone 4231 Martins
Chapel Rd A to RA
Amend Z.O. Add Section 3.130 &
Appendix B RE ROW Dedications
Rescind Ord 2016-018 ART VIII 8.081 Resume Posting Rezone signs
Use of RVs as Residential Structure Prohibited
Amend Budget FY 2020-2021
Reliant Bank Depository of Town Funds
Re-establish E. Felts Rd. as a Town Rd.
Amending Court Costs
Unclaimed Property Policy
Budget FY2021-2022
Amend Budget FY2020-2021
Klober Rezone 2399 Ewell Elliott A
to RA
Adopt 2018 Building Codes
Zoning Ordinance ART VI 6.030
Conservation Design Overlay
Kirk Johnson Rezone Old Coopertown
A to RA
Amend Sprinkler Ordinance OPT OUT
Gonzalez Rezone Tom Austin Hwy A
to CA
Increase Building Height CB ONLY
Grosvenor Rezone Old Hwy 431 S. A
to RA
Authorizing Credit Card in the Name
of the Town of Coopertown
Amend Budget FY 2019-2020
Budget FY 2020-2021
Rezone 1699 Martins Chapel Church
A to RA
Rezone 3940 Hwy 49 W. Frey Property
A to RA
Rezone Hwy 49 W. RIPPIE A to RA
Interlocal Agreement By and Between
the Town of Coopertown, TN and the
E-911 Emergency Communications
District of Robertson County, TN
Amend ART VIII Exceptions to Site Plan
Flood Hazard Regs
Abandon McMahan Road
Rezone J. MCCAIG McMahan Hollow
A to RA
Rezone Henry Gower A to RA
Rezone Mt. Sharon Rd. M121 P059.01
A to RA
Prohibit Littering (Replaces 2007-12
and 2009-003)
Amend Budget FY 2018 2019
Minimum Fund Balance
Rezone McMahan Hollow McCaig 5.96
ac A to RA
Rezone McMahan Hollow McCaig
2.45 ac A to RA
Budget FY 2019-2020
Rezone 3498 Sandy Springs Rd. A to RA
Rezone Corner of Hwy 49 & 257 RA
to CA
Property Maintenance
Junked Vehicles and Trailers
Rezone Taylor Dr. Thomas A to RA
Amend Budget FY 2019-2020
Amend State Traffic Offenses and
Rules of the Road
Rezone Reynolds Joe Mac Lipscomb
A to RA
Map 119, Parcel 050.00 Rezone A to RC
Rezone Project: Phase 9 – 4 Lots in
Crabtree Acres
Paul Walker Property - Rezone of 1.27
acres, Map 121, Parcel 214.00 on Old Hwy
431 S., Agricultural (A) to Rural
Residential (RA)
Claude David McCoy, Jr. Application to
Rezone 1.14 acres, Map 122, P/O Parcel
110.02, on Abednego Road, Agricultural
(A) to Rural Residential (RA)
Jerry Reynolds Application to Rezone
14.26 acres from Agricultural (A) to
Rural Residential (RA), Map 129, P/O
Parcel 056.00, corner of Martin Chapel
and Frey Ford Roads
2017-2018 Budget Amendment
Rezone Phase 10 – Rezone from
Agricultural (A) to Rural Residential
(RA) - 10 Old Coopertown Road parcels
Rezone from Agricultural (A) to Rural
Residential (RA), Rezone 5 Parcels in
Martin Chapel Acres
Replace Personnel Manual, Ordinance
2015-007, with Ordinance 2018-008
Abandon Portion of Holland Rd
Rezone Phase 11 – Agricultural (A) to
Rural Residential (RA) – Battle Creek
Rezone Phase 13 – Agricultural (A) to
Rural Residential (RA) – Sugar Mill
Rezone 2 Parcels from Agricultural (A)
to Rural Residential (RA) -2 lots at
corner of Hwy 49 & Hwy 257
Rezone 13 Parcels from Agricultural (A)
to Rural Residential (RA) – Colonial
Rezone 26 Parcels from Agricultural (A)
to Rural Residential (RA) - Melton
Adopt Electronic Citation Regulations
and Fees
State Traffic Offenses and Rules of
the Road
Rezone “ “ – one lot in Sugar Mills
Farms but not part of subdivision –
2180 Rawls Rd., Map 121K, A, Parcel
024.00, Agricultural (A) to Rural
Residential (RA)
2018-2019 Budget
Amend 2017-2018 Budget
Rezone “ “ – Borum Family 3.86 acre
parcel on Joe Dowlen Rd., Map 127,
Parcel 055.00 currently half
Interchange Commercial (CB) and half
Agricultural (A) to CB in its entirety
Mobile Food Vendors regulations
Board of Mayor & Alderman meeting
time change to 6:00 p.m.
Amend Ordinance 2002-017 Financial
Responsibility Law
Repeal Ordinance 2007-011 Open
Container Violation
Repeal Ordinance 2009-002 Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
FY 2018-2019 Budget Amendment
Larry and Anna Smith Rezone
Application for 2919 Jack Teasley Rd.,
Map 110, Parcel 105.00, 2.02 acre parcel
Agricultural (A) to Rural Residential
Rezone Project Phase 3: Windland
Estates from Agricultural (A) to Rural
Residential (RA)
Add NEW Stormwater Regulations to
Zoning Ordinance
Nari T. Sadarangani Application -
Rezone 15 acres of 51.50 acre tract,
Map 122, Parcel 111.00 on Hwy 431 from
Agricultural (A) to General Commercial
Steve Knight Application – 3855 Hwy 49
W., Map 111, Parcels 071.00 & 072.00,
combining Lot 3 (1.79 ac) & Lot 4 (1.58
ac), Rezone 3.37 acres from
Agricultural (A) to Rural Residential
Rezone Project Phase 4: Maryama
Farms from Agricultural (A) to
Suburban Residential (RB)
David and Ranita Morgan Rezone
Application – 2084 Tom Austin Hwy,
Map 130, Parcel 001.00, 6.28 acres from
Agricultural (A) to Rural Residential
Rezone Project Phase 5: Carriage
Trace and Cedar Dale Trace from
Agricultural (A) to Rural Residential
Budget Amendment for FY 2016-2017
William and Dianne Seeley Rezone
Application – Map 119, Parcels 048.00
(104.67 acres) and 048.01 (34.53 acres)
from Agricultural (A) to Urban Fringe
Residential (RC)
Adopt 2012 International Mechanical
Code (IMC)
Coopertown Municipal Judge –
Replace Ordinance 98-07 with
Ordinance 2017-012
Public Records Request
2017-2018 Fiscal Year Budget
Nari T. Sadarangani Application -
Rezone 44.55 acres, Map 120, P/O
Parcel 110.00 & 111.00 on Hwy 431 and
Abednego Rd. from Agricultural (A) &
Rural Residential (RA) to General
Commercial (CA)
Hollingshead Development, LLC
(Smyrna Ready Mix) Application to
Rezone 2868 Joe Dowlen Rd., Lot 1
(1.61 ac) & Lot 2 (3.94 ac), Map 127,
Parcel 065.00 from A (Agricultural)
to RA (Rural Residential)
Kendell Felts – Rezone Application
15 acres off Hwy 41-A, Map 127,
Parcel 031.00 from Agricultural (A) to
General Commercial (CA) for
proposed apartment complex
Amend Zoning Ordinance - Mini
Storage Facilities no longer
approved by BZA via Special
Exception; Permissible by Right in
CA (General Commercial) District
Rezone Project: Phase 6 – West
Nashville Farms from A (Agricultural)
to RA (Rural Residential)
Rezone Project: Phase 7 – Sandy
Springs Estates, from A
(Agricultural) to RA (Rural
Rezone Project: Phase 7 –
Washington Road Estates from A
(Agricultural) to RA (Rural
Rezone Project: Phase 7 – Mt. Zion
Hills Subdivision from A
(Agricultural) to RA (Rural
Rezone Project: Phase 7 – Houston
Heights from A (Agricultural) to RA
(Rural Residential)
Rezone Project: Phase 8 - Ledges
of Walker Hills from A (Agricultural)
to RA (Rural Residential)
Rezone Project: Phase 8 - Waldon
Corner from A (Agricultural) to RA
(Rural Residential)
Rezone Project: Phase 8 - Walkers
Corner from A (Agricultural) to RA
(Rural Residential)
Rezone Map 119, Parcel 066.01 for
water tank & future fire station
2015-2016 Budget Amendment
Acceptance of the use of the
NAICS as aid for Zoning
Revise Zoning Ordinance, Replace
Table 5A with “Listing of
Design Guidelines
Establishment of Impound Lot and
Fee for Seized Vehicles
York Rd. Right-of-Way Acceptance
JRC ReZone, 2072 Tom Austin, A to
2016-2017 FY Budget
Accept Internal Controls Document
Adopt Code of Conduct
Approve Development Agreement
Commercial & Industry
Accept Project Ally Development
Revision to PC Fee Schedule
Revise Sign Ordinance to Allow On-
Site, One Hundred Foot Sign Poles
Creating a Real Property Tax
Ordinance to stop Posting ReZones
Accept Lowe’s Development
Agreement and Letter of Credit
Adopt Package Liquor Store
Regulations for Payday Loan
Replace Sign Ordinance 2016-016 to
include On-Site Pole Signs
James Wilson Rezone application-
Agricultural (A) to Rural Residential
(RA) at 2010 Martin's Chapel Church
2016-2017 Budget Amendment
Rezone 4231 Martins Chapel Rd. Map
129 Parcel 044.00 from A to RA,
owners Mark, Darryl, and Michael
Amend Sign Ordinance 2014-003 to
include Industrial District
Rezone Pebble Brook Estates lots
from Agriculture (A) to Suburban
Residential (RB)
Rezone Crutcher Meadows Lots
from Agriculture (A) to Rural
Residential (RA)
Rezone Project Phase 2: Rezone
Windmere Estates Lots from
Agricultural (A) to Rural Residential
Authorizing Signatures on Town’s
Depository Accounts
Establish Package Liquor Store Fees
Rezone 2.44 acres from AG to RA
2015-2016 Budget
Moratorium on Outdoor Gun Range
Planning Commission Services Fees
Fireworks Ordinance, Remove
"Personal Possession and Use"
Gun Range
Replace Personnel Manual
Repeal Ordinance 2014-001,
Amendments to Table 5A
Amending Fiscal Year Budget 2014-

Amend Zoning Ordinance to Revise
Table 5-A
Revise Zoning Ordinance Requiring
Sidewalks on Both Sides of Road
Replace Sign Regulations In Zoning
Amend Zoning Ordinance to ReZone
Parcel # 127 037.00 (Beckner's
Property) from RB to CB
Amend Zoning Ordinance to ReZone
Parcel # 127 038.00 (Bradley/
Sutherland Property) from RB to CB
Amend Zoning Ordinance to ReZone
Parcel # 119 121.00 (James/Shelton
Property) from RB to CB
Adopt Rezone for Church on Old 431
Adopt International Plumbing,
Mechanical and Gas-fuel Codes
2014-2015 Budget
Revised Sidewalk Requirements
Replace Fireworks Ordinance
Budget Amendment
Revise Site Development
Agreement, Ordinance # 2007-004
Revise Article VIII of Zoning
Acceptance of Roads in Oak
Pointe Subdivision for
Re-Zone; 1867 McMahan Hollow
from IA to RA
Amend Zoning Ordinance to Permit
Mother-in-Law Apartments
Municipal Floodplain Zoning
Background Check Costs for Beer
Permit Application
Budget 2013-2014
Rezone Three Lots on Christopher
Lane from Agricultural (Ag) to Rural
Residential (RA)
Rezone Parcel on Woods Rd. from
Ag to RA
Rezone Parcel on Ewell Elliott Rd
from Ag to RA
Open Records Procedures
Adopt IRSPC ; Swimming Pool
Approve Loan for paving roads
Acceptance of Christy Lane, Crab
Tree Acres for Maintenance
Opt out of Sprinkler Requirements
for One and Two Family Dwellings
Eden Rezone, Ag to CA, 2080 Tom
Sales Requirements for Liquor-by-
Amend Zoning Ordinance for length
of time for Non-Conforming Use
from 12 to 30 months
Amend 2011-2012 Budget
Amend Article III, Section 3.030(E)
(4), Driveway Permits
Rezone of Country Cupboard from
Ag to CA
Acceptance of Autumn Hills Roads
for maintenance
Jimi Chappell Rezone: Two parcels
from Ag to RA
Rezone 2789 Burgess Gower Rd.,
from AG to RA
Amend Current Zoning Map
Detention Pond for Subdivisions
Authori zed Depository for all Funds
of the Town of Coopertown
Planning Commission Fee Schedule
2011-2012 Budget
Driveway Per Lot Subdivision
Adopt TCA§13-21-101, “Placement of
Adoption of the International
Building Code 2012
Ordinance to set Court Cost
Year End 2010-2011 Budget
Establishing a Debt Policy for the
Town of Coopertown
Regulating the Sale of Beer Within
the Town of Coopertown
Establish Uniform Purchasing and
Property Disposal Policies
An Ordinance Identifying Authorized
Signatories on the Town's Depository
An Ordinance Adopting a Compliance
Manual Regarding Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964
Amend Zoning Ordinance to Address
Adult-Oriented Businesses
An Ordinance to Establish a Fee
Schedule for the Planning Commission
and Building Inspection for the Town
of Coopertown
An Ordinance Adopting International
Building Codes by Reference and
Provide for the Adoption of Further
Amendments Administratively
Regulating the Sale of Beer Within the
Town of Coopertown, Tennessee
Budget Ordinance 2010 - 2011
An Ordinance Amending the
Coopertown Zoning Ordinance by
Creating Section 5.070 Entitled Historic
Zoning Overlay District
An Ordinance Replacing Ordinance No.
2009-010 to Regulate Peddlers,
Solicitors, Transient Vendors, Etc.
Budget Ordinance 2009-2010
Kurt & Doreen Adrian Rezone Request,
Agricultural (AG) to Residential (RA) at
4057 Hwy 49 W
Meredith Harper Rezone Request,
Agricultural (AG) to Residential (RA) at
2166 Alvin Head Rd.
An Ordinance to Replace Ordinances
Establishing a Municipal Planning
Commission for the Town of
Coopertown, Tennessee
Budget Ordinance 2008-2009
An Ordinance Adopting the Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
An Ordinance Prohibiting Littering and
Regulating the Hauling of Litter Within
the Town of Coopertown
An Ordinance Restricting Motor
Carriers on City Streets
An Ordinance to Establish Uniform
Purchasing and Property Disposal
Policies for the Town of Coopertown,
John Grosvenor Rezone Request,
Agricultural (AG) to Rural Residential
(RA) at Map 122, Parcel 128
Budget Ordinance 2009-2010
An Ordinance Adopting Animal Control
An Ordinance to Regulate Peddlers,
Solicitors, Transient Vendors, Etc.
Budget Amendment for 2008-2009
Commercial Design Guidelines
Purchasing Ordinance
Budget Ordinance 2008-2009
An Ordinance to Abandon Hayes Road
in its Entirety
An Ordinance to Abandon Irwin Smith
Road in its Entirety
An Amendment to the Zoning
Ordinance to include the Site
Development Agreement
An Amendment to the Zoning
Ordinance to Replace Wording in
Article IV, Subsection 4.060 (B)
Regarding Swimming Pools
An Ordinance to Adopt a Code of
An Ordinance to Abandon Zach Lane in
its Entirety
An Ordinance to Abandon Bush Farms
Road in its Entirety
An Ordinance to Abandon E. Felts Road
in its Entirety
Public Consumption of Alcohol in Open
Criminal Littering
Budget Ordinance 2007-2008
Floodplain Regulations
Regulating Speed Limits
Email & Internet Policy
Drug Free, NO Tolerance Substance
Abuse Policy
Budget Ordinance 2006 - 2007
Regulating Seasonal Public Sale & Use
of Fireworks
Zoning Ordinance CB District Z.O. ART V
Sect 5.052
Increase number of Planning
Commission members
Regulating the Use of a Weapon or
Firearm within a Subdivision
Order of Business at Board of Mayor
and Aldermen Regular Meetings
Budget Amendment 2005-2006
Zoning Ordinance Amendment
Rezone Request, Agricultural (AG) to
Rural Residential (RA) at 1921 Old Hwy
Property Maintenance Regs
Ralph Felts Rezone Request,
Agricultural (AG) to Residential (RA) at
4058 Hwy. 49 W
Regulating Speed Limits
Establish a Personnel Policy
Adopt the Tennessee Department of
Safety's Rules of the Road
Budget Ordinance 2005 - 2006
Budget Amendment 2004 - 2005
Hugh Hallums Rezone Request,
Agricultural (AG) to Rural Residential
(RA) at 4553 Martins Chapel Rd
Rezone Request, Agricultural (AG) to
Rural Residential at Map 113, Parcel
Amendment to Standard Building
Zoning Amendment to Art V, Sect.
Budget Amendment 2003 - 2004
Zoning Amendment to Art VII, Sect.
An Ordinance to Abandon A Portion of
Joe Mac Lipscomb Road
Juanita Biggs Booth Rezone Request,
Agricultural (AG) to Rural Residential
(RA) at Errel Dowlen Road, Map 130,
Parcel 5.12
Budget Ordinance 2004 -2005
Budget Amendment 2004 - 2005
Richard Crutcher Rezone Request,
Agricultural (AG) to Rural Residential
(RA) at Ott Wilson Road, Map 122,
Parcel 6.02
Rezone Request, Agricultural (AG) to
Rural Residential (RA) at Christopher
T.O. McMahan III Rezone Request,
Agricultural (AG) to Rural Residential
(RA) at McMahan Hollow Road, Map
137, Parcels 8.25 & 8.30
Budget Amendment 2002 - 2003
Budget Ordinance 2003 - 2004
Joe E. Pratt Rezone Request,
Agricultural (AG) to Rural Residential
(RA) at Tom Austin Highway, Map 124,
Parcel 47.03
Ordinance to Establish Meeting
Ordinance to Contract the City Limits
Ordinance to Amend Zoning
Ordinance to Allow a "Gated
Will Shaw Rezone Request, Agricultural
(AG) to Rural Residential (RA) at Errel
Dowlen Road, Map 130, Parcel 5.21
Budget Amendment 2003 - 2004
Earl Batdorf Rezone Request, Agricultural (AG) to Industrial (IB) at
Joe Dowlen Road, Map 130, Parcel 4.07
Mandatory Auto Insurance
Standard Building Codes
Municipal Planning Commission
An Ordinance to Establish a Fee
Schedule for the Planning Commission
for the Town of Coopertown
James Lipscomb Rezone Request,
Agricultural (AG) to Rural Residential
(RA) at Sandy Springs Road, Map102,
Parcel 40.00
An Ordinance to Establish a Personnel
Policy for the Town of Coopertown,
Budget Amendment 2001 - 2002
Budget Ordinance 2002 - 2003
Flood Plain Zone
James Smith Rezone Request,
Agricultural (AG) to Rural Residential
(RA) at Washington Road, Map 124 I,
Parcel 33.00

Sewer Franchise
An Ordinance Amendment Regulating
the Sale of Beer Within the Town of
Dwight Pennington Rezone Request,
Agricultural (AG) to Residential (C) at
Highway 49, Map 122, Parcels 9 and 10
Thomas Leaidicker Rezone Request,
Agricultural (AG) to Rural Residential
(RA) at York Road, Map 122, Parcels
26.16 and 26.17
An Ordinance Prohibiting Littering and
Regulating the Hauling of Litter Within
the Town of Coopertown
Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Art.
IV, Sect. 4.130
F.C. Stratton and Hollingsworth Oil
Company Rezone Request,
Agricultural (AG) to Rural Residential
(RA) at intersection of Hwy. 49 and
Flewellyn Road, Map 103, Parcel 35.01
An Ordinance Establishing Property
Maintenance Regulations within the
Town of Coopertown, Tennessee
Dennis Beckner Rezone Request,
Agricultural (AG) to Residential (RA) at
Henry Gower Road, Map 112, Parcel
Sam Peach Rezone Request,
Agricultural (AG) to Residential (RA) at
Cooper Nicholson Road, Map 130,
Parcel 5.05
An Ordinance Establishing the
Adoption of TCA Statutes for Animal
Control Regulations within the Town
of Coopertown

an Ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of The Town of Coopertown by amending an area currently zoned agricultural to residential "A" and change the zoning maps in compliance with such amendment
An Ordinance granting a non- exclusive franchise for the maintenance and operation of a cable system by charter communications in the Town of Coopertown, Tennessee
An Ordinance prohibiting the operation of heavy or large vehicles on City Streets within residential neighborhoods
An Ordinance to amend Ordinance
97-04 and Ordinance 98-26, which set regular meetings of the Board of Mayor and Alderman for the Town of Coopertown
An Ordinance of the Town of Coopertown, Tennessee, amending Ordinance 99-17 which set the budget for Fiscal Year July 1, 1999- June 30, 2000
An Ordinance to establish a personnel policy for the Town of Coopertown, Tennessee
An Ordinance to rezone Friedman
An Ordinance to rezone Ramsey from A to Ra
Budget Amendment
Volunteer Recognition
Rezone Brewster
Budget Amendment
Sewer Franchise
Rezone Marquiss from Residential "B" to Industrial "A"
Rezone Doble from Agricultural to Residential "A"
An Ordinance to accept new roads for Maintenace in the Town of Coopertown
An Ordinance providing for the beginning of an Elected Officials Term of Office
Rezone Crutcher
An Ordinance to accept new roads for Maintenace in the Town of Coopertown
An Ordinance of The Town of Coopertown, Tennessee to amend the budget for fiscal year July 1, 2000- June 30, 2001
Set building permit fees
An Ordinance to amend Ordinance
00-06 which established a personnel policy for the Town of Coopertown
An Ordinance to amend Ordinance
98-27 which adopted standard codes for the Town of Coopertown, Robertson County, Tennessee and enforcement of building provisions as provided in said codes
Rezone Sloan from Agriculture to Residential "A"
An Ordinance to rescind Ordinance
98-22 in its entirety and replace it with new regulations governing the speed limits within the Town of Coopertown municipal boundaries
An Ordinance to levy a privilege tax on all vocations, occupations and businesses declared to be a taxable privilege in accordance with the state's "Business Tax Act"
Rules of the road
An Ordinance to abandon a portion of Holland Road
An Ordinance to levy a litigation tax for the Town of Coopertown
Budget Amendment
Historical Commission
Rezone James from Agriculture to Residential "A"
Rezone Errel Dowlen from Agriculture to Residential "A"
Rezone lackey from Agriculture to Residential "A"
Rezone Ruth from Agriculture to Residential "A"
An Ordinance to amend the zoning Ordinance for the Town of Coopertown
Rezone Ray from Agriculture to Residential "A"
Budget Amendment
Budget Amendment
An Ordinance to amend the subdivision regulation of the Town of Coopertown
An Ordinance to amend the zoning Ordinance for the Town of Coopertown
An Ordinance to establish a comprehensive infectious disease control policy for the Town of Coopertown in compliance with rules and regulations by the department of labor
Rezone Scales from Agriculture to Residential "A"
Rezone Watts from Agriculture to Residential "A"
An Ordinance committing the Town's Resources to preparing for Y2K
Rezone Peters from Agriculture to Industrial "B"
Rezone Baggett
Social Security Act
Budget Amendment
Rezone Mitchell
Amend Rezone Mitchell
Rezone Pratt
City Judge Appointment
Rezone James
Rezone Hayes
An Ordinance to increase the number of Wards from one (1) to two (2) and the number of Alderman from two (2) to Four (4) for the Town of Coopertown, Tennessee
Budget Amendment
An Ordinance calling for referendum to levy an additional local sales and use tax in the Town of Coopertown
Rezone James
Rezone Garza
Travel Policy
Zoning Appeals Charges
An Ordinance to establish a Historic Preservation Commission for the Town of Coopertown, Tennessee
TCA Drivers of Motor Vehicles
An Ordinance establishing Court Cost for the City Court
Rezone Baggett
Speed Limit
Rezone Bruce-Yates
Accept Lisa Drive
Change Meeting Dates
Building Codes
Court Cost & Fines
American Limestone
Adopt Zoning Ordinance
Meeting Schedule
Amend Budget
Driveway Connections
Rezone Neely
Hinkle Chair Co.
Habitat for Humanity
Porter Brown Limestone
Adopting Budget
Melton Rezone
Crutcher Rezone
Amend Crutcher Rezone
Duckett Rezone
Amend Duckett Rezone
Koch Rezone
Freight Rezone
Simpkins Rezone
Thompson Rezone
Accept New Roads
Amending Budget
Ramsey Rezone
Crunk Rezone
Amending Zoning Ordinance
King Rezone
Election Date
Meeting Schedule
Fiscal Year
Authorize Depositories
Planning Commission
Beer Permits
NOTE: City Hall is in the process of making all Ordinances Available on The Town's Website. Thank you for your patience
Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 8 am- 3 pm
5153 Burgess Gower Rd.
Springfield, TN 37172
Designed by One Eleven