"To Search through the below items you can use your web browser's built-in search function. On your keyboard, please press CTRL + F on Windows or CMD + F on Mac to bring up the browser's search bar. Then type in the phrase you wish to search for and your browser will highlight and direct you to the areas of the page that match."
A Resolution to Amend Appendix B Section 1.7 of the Coopertown Subdivision Regulations
A Resolution to Amend Illustration 13 of the Town of Coopertown Future Land use and Transportation Policy Plan
A resolution to support restoring the historic revenue sharing relationship between the State of Tennessee and its local Governments and to return the Local share of the single article cap to local Governments
Donations to Coopertown Schools
Authority to purchase a street department vehicle
A Resolution authorizing the City Recorder to transfer monies from one appropriation to another within the same fund
Moratorium on Billboards
A Resolution to authorize the Town Mayor to execute a renewal E-911 interlocal dispatch agreement
A Resolution to delegate to the Robertson County Emergency communications E-911 district the authority to number streets within the Municipal Jurisdiction of Coopertown, Tennessee
Disposal of surplus property
A Resolution to amend the subdivision regulations of The Town of Coopertown, Tennessee by adding Article 1, Section 1-114, and Article VII Section, 4-103,105, and Amending Article VII Sections 4-103,105, and Section 7-102, Article IV Sections 4- 103,102, and 4-103,103
Authority to Purchase Street Department Assets
Authority to purchase a Polce vehicle
A Resolution to replace resolution 2019-004, allow employees post- employment benefits
A Resolution in support of the participation in the AARP community challenge 2021 grant application process
Donations to Coopertown Schools
A Resolution to set Public Works uniform purchasing policy
A Resolution to establish bank account for American Rescue Plan Act
A Resolution authorizing the City Recorder to transfer monies from one appropriation to another within the same fund (FY 2021-2022)
A Resolution authorizing the City Recorder to transfer monies from one appropriation to another within the same fund (FY 2020-2021)
A Resolution for the Coopertown Police Department to offer a signing bonus payment for newly hired certified Police Officers
A Resolution authorizing the Town of Coopertown to enter into payroll account agreement and establish direct deposit with reliant bank
A Resolution to amend the subdivision regulations of the Town of Coopertown, Tennessee
A Resolution to request funding for completion of highway 431 project in Robertson County
A Resolution to establish bank account for American rescue plan act by the State of Tennessee
A Resolution to amend the subdivision regulations of the Town of Coopertown, Tennessee
A Resolution to establish bank account for cash surety bond money
A Resolution to amend the subdivision regulations of the Town of Coopertown, Tennessee
(Driveway Standards)
Authority to purchase equipment for street department
Reservation of American rescue plan funds Robertson County emergency management tower improvement project
Allocation of State non-recurring fiscal recovery appropriation grant
Authority to purchase a Police
A Resolution providing for the maintenance, preservation and protection of Public Records
A Resolution confirming The Town of Coopertown, Tennessee has formed a Board of Building and Codes Appeals
Donation to senior center in Springfield, TN
A Resolution replacing Ordinance 2011- 008 authorizing a credit card in the name of The Town of Coopertown
A Resolution to allow employees Post- Employment Benefits
Resolution in support of fiscal year 2020 THDA Home Grant application
Donations to Coopertown Schools
Authority to participate in State Grant
Coopertown Municipal Planning Commission, A Resolution to amend the subdivision regulations of Coopertown, Tennessee
A Resolution to apply for the 2020 Multi-Modal Grant
A Resolution authorizing the Town of Coopertown to continue participation in the TEMA Flood Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
A Resolution appealing and replacing authorizing a credit card in the name of The Town of Coopertown
A Resolution to establish bank account for contractor fund
A Resolution to allow the sale of LESO equipment and place proceeds in the account for LESO Fund
A Resolution to establish a vehicle take home policy
A Resolution to set Public Works uniform purchasing policy
Donations to Coopertown Schools
A Resolution to allow Employees Pos- Employment Benefits
Codification of Ordinances
A Resolution to rescind Resolution 2019-002
A Resolution authorizing The Town of Coopertown to participate in the Public Entity Partners "Safety Partners" Matching Grant program
Authority to purchase a new truck for the Street Department
A Resolution of The Town of Coopertown, Tennessee to write-off uncollectable property tax receivables
Authority to purchase new Police Department laptop computers
Authority to purchase a vehicle for general Government use
A Resolution to amend Resolution 2019-004 a Resolution to allow employees post-employment benefits
Authority to place aprons on the new Street Department building
Authority to transfer the old Public Works building to the Police Department
Town of Coopertown, Tennessee for Engineering Services
A Resolution in which The Town of Coopertown agrees to share 1/3 the financial cost for the purchase of a ladder truck for the Pleasant View Volunteer Fire Department
A Resolution amending Resolution 2018-006 and Resolution 2011-008 authorizing a credit card in the name of The Town of Coopertown
A Resolution to amend illustration 13 of the land use and transportation policy plan of Coopertown, Tennessee
Donations to Coopertown Schools
A Resolution authorizing participation in the National Joint Powers Alliance
Authority to purchase a tractor
A Resolution to join Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System starting October 1, 2018
A Resolution amending Resolution 2011-008 and Resolution 2012-014 Authorizing a credit card in the name of the Town of Coopertown
A Resolution to establish bank account for electronic citation fund
A Resolution authorizing early pay off of the $139,000 General Obligation capital Outlay Note, Series 2015
A Resolution to establish bank account for LESO Fund
A Resolution to close bank account for State Grant Fund
A Resolution to amend Resolution 2016-024 support economic development with the building permit fees obtained from Lowes
A Resolution to amend the subdivision regulations of The Town of Coopertown, Tennessee
Adoption of Internal Control Manual for Town of Coopertown
Donations to Coopertown Schools
A Resolution authorizing The Town of Coopertown to participate in the TML Property Conservation Matching Grant Program
Donations to Coopertown Schools
A Resolution to amend Article III, Section 3-106 Requiring Quit Claim Deeds be a part of the road(s) letter of dedication documents as stated in the subdivision regulations of The
Town of Coopertown, Tennessee
Resolution in support of Fiscal Year 2016 Tennessee Housing Development Agency, Home Grant Application
Traffic Fines and Costs
Employee and Functional Job Descriptions Appendix B of the Town of Coopertown's Personnel Manual
Donations to Crestview Elementary School
Request Robertson County Commission to pass a fire tax to enable municipalities to provide fire protection to its Citizens
Authorizing the City of Springfield to construct, own and operate a water tower and lines located within the boundaries of the Town of Coopertown
Resolution approving an application for fast-track infrastructure development program (FIDP) improvements for project Ally
Resolution to adopt the 2016-17 Home Program, Policies and Procedures for the Town of Coopertown, Tennessee
A Resolution authorizing the Town of Coopertown to participate in the TML Risk Management Pool "Safety Partners" Loss Control Matching Grant Program
Signatory authority for spending funds generated by the Barrel Festival and 5 Mile Run
A Resolution to Amend Appendix B Regarding Road Specifications in the Subdivision Regulations of Coopertown, Tennessee
A Resolution Authorizing the Town of Coopertown to Participate in The Pool's James L Richardson "Driver Safety" Matching Grant Program
A Resolution authorizing the Mayor of The Town of Coopertown to sign the TDOT Hwy 257/49 Traffic Signal Cooperation and Maintenance Agreement
A Resolution to Support Economic Development with the Building Permit Fees obtained from Lowes
A Resolution adopting a performance agreement and maintenance agreement into the subdivision regulations of Coopertown, Tennessee
Donations to Coopertown Schools
Installation of a Cross Road Corrugated Metal Pipe Culvert
A Resolution to Amend Subdivision Regulations section 4-102.12 of Coopertown, Tennessee (SR 2012-012)
Amend Coopertown's Hazard Mitigation Plan
Donations to Coopertown Schools
Authority to purchase two Police Patrol Cruisers
Employee Health Insurance Cost to Employee
Resolution of the Town of Coopertown, Tennessee, authorizing the issuance of interest bearing general obligation capital outlay notes, series 2014, in an amount not to exceed $400,000, and providing for the payment of said notes
Placement of Special Assessment on parts of Oak Pointe Subdivision
Establish bank account for Special Assessment
A Resolution to replace Article III of the subdivision regulations of Coopertown, Tennessee
Donations to Coopertown Schools
Authority to Commit Funds for Community Development activities
A Resolution authorizing The Town of Coopertown to participate in the TML Risk Management Pool "Safety Partners" Loss Control Matching Grant Program
Adoption of Comprehensive Development Plan Robertson County, Adams, Coopertown and Cross Plains
A Resolution establishing electronic payment processing for customers paying with a credit card, debit or check card
Authority to purchase a Replacement Police Vehicle
Donations to Coopertown Schools
A Resolution Authorizing the Town of Coopertown to participate in the TML Risk Management Pool "Safety Partners" Loss Control Matching Grant Program
Disposal of Surplus Property
A Resolution to amend Article III of the subdivision regulations of Coopertown, Tennessee
A Resolution to amend subdivision regulations Section 4-102.12 of Coopertown, Tennessee
A Resolution amending Resolution 2011-008 authorizing a credit card in the name of the Town of Coopertown
A Resolution to adopt the Robertson County Mitigation Plan
Acceptance of Tennessee Department of Transportation's (TDOT) Proposal for Project #74010-2231-14, "The widening of State Route 65, Highway 431"
Disposal of Surplus Property
A Resolution of The Board of Mayor and Alderman of The Town of Coopertown to provide a free, one time per year, brush and tree chipping service to the Citizens of the Town
Donations to Coopertown Schools & Programs
A Resolution Establishing a Records Management System
A Resolution Establishing a Records Management Plan
A Resolution Authorizing a credit card in the name of The Town of Coopertown
Authority to Commit Funds
A Resolution to adopt The National Incident Management System (NIMS)
A Resolution Authorizing The town of Coopertown, Tennessee to Participate in the TML Risk Management Pool "Driver Safety" Matching Grant Program
Disposal of Surplus Property
A Resolution authorizing the Town of Coopertown to Participate in the TEMA Flood Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
Revising the Employee Personnel Manual to set the Work Week
A Resolution adopting a schedule of Fines for Traffic and other Violations
Participation in the Development of a Countywide Comprehensive Growth Plan
Disposal of Surplus property
Resolution Ratifying the revised Robertson County Growth Plan as adopted by the Robertson County Coordinating Committee on January 29,2009 and on January 5, 2010
A Resolution establishing procedures for Public Inspection of access to, and duplication of, Public Records under the Tennessee Open Records Law (TCA 10-7-504 ct seg) Replaces Resolution 2009-001
Waive Driveway Permit Fee, Robertson County School Board
Donations to Coopertown Schools & Programs
Waive Building Permit Fee Coopertown Middle School, Robertson County School Board
Disposal of surplus Property
A Resolution authorizing the Town of Coopertown to participate in the TML Risk Management Pool "Safety Partners" Loss Control Matching Grant Program
A Resolution establishing procedures for Public Inspection of, access to and Duplication of Public Records under the Tennessee Open Records Law (TCA 10-7-504, et seq)
Workplace Harassment Policy
Donate $900 to CMS Girl's Softball Program
Waive Building Permit Fee Coopertown Middle School
Recipients of Donations to Coopertown Schools
Disposal of surplus Property
A Resolution Ratifying the revised Robertson County growth plan as adopted by the Robertson County Coordinating Committee on
January 29, 2009
TML Interlocal Cooperation agreement relative to participation in the Tennessee Municipal League Risk Management Pool
Resolution of the Governing Body of Coopertown, Tennessee authorizing the Borrowing, and Payment of General Fund Tax Anticipation Line of Credit not to exceed $100,000
A Resolution amending 2006-06 Establishing Traffic Fines and Costs
Amended Planning Commission bylaws
A Resolution adopting an Identity Theft Policy
Jack Long Represent Town in Coulon vs Coopertown Trail
Donations to Coopertown Schools
Donation to CMS Athletic Association for Football Program
Donations to CMS Athletic Association for Construction of their baseball field
Usage of Tractor
School Resource Officer
A Resolution requesting AT&T (formerly BellSouth) to enter into Cable Franchise negotiations in the Town of Coopertown
Regarding SB1933/HB1421 the "Competitive Cable and Video Services Act"
TDOT- Engineered Drawing
Purchase of Police Vehicles
Drugs & Gang Resistance Program
Installation of equipment in Coopertown Police Vehicles
Cease and Desist demand re: Mayor Crosby ouster petition
Tim Harvey representative- ouster petition expenses
Sexual Predator Punishment & Control Act of 2008-Jessica's Law
Litigation - Amanda Strain Settlement
Donation to Coopertown PTO & CMS
Donations to CMS for Football Stadium
A Resolution amending 99-04 Establishing Traffic Fines and Costs
Donations to CME PTO for $10,000
Safe Deposit Box - Authorized signatures
Donations to Coopertown Athletic Association
Donations to CME - Odyssey of the Mind 2005
A Resolution encouraging the 103rd General Assembly to protect jobs in Tennessee by supporting Workers' Compensation Reform
A Resolution authorizing the Town of Coopertown to participate in the TDOT Guard Rail Grant Program
A Resolution of the Board of Mayor and Alderman of the Town of Coopertown urging the State Legislature and Governor Bredesen to review the proposed budget of State Shared Revenue for Cities and Counties
A Resolution authorizing the Town of Coopertown to participate in the TML Risk Management Pool Loss Control Matching Grant Program
Donations to Coopertown Schools
Resolution authorizing a mutual aid agreement for the provision of Emergency Assistance to other Local Governments by the Town of Cooperotown
A Resolution of the Board of Mayor and Alderman of the Town of Coopertown to support Senate Bill 2264, sponsored by Senator Fowler, to enact the "Tennessee Forest Resources Conservation Act of 2002"
A Resolution requesting the Robertson County Commissioners and the Robertson County School Board to support a Middle Progressive to High School for the West Robertson County Area
TCRS Actuarial Study
A Resolution authorizing the Town of Coopertown to participate in the TML Risk Management Pool Loss Control Matching Grant Program
Donation to Non-Profit Organization
TDOT Grant Application
A Resolution adopting purchasing procedures for the Town of Coopertown, Tennessee
A Resolution ratifying the revised recommended growth plan for Robertson County as approved by the Robertson County Coordinating Committee on August 22, 2000
A Resolution rescinding Resolution
00-10 in its entirety and authorizing the execution of an interlocal agreement creating a joint economic and community development Board for Robertson County as set forth in "Exhibit A" attached
Resolution in support of an application for Tennessee Industrial Infrastructure Program (TIIP) Funds
Bank Account Signatures
Safe Deposits Signatures
Growth Planning Appointed Ethel Spiller
A Resolution requesting that the members of the Tennessee General Assembly sponsor and insure the Enactment of an exemption of signs from TCA 13-7-208
Gladys Moulton Day
State Shared revenue
Growth Plan
Coopertown Mission Statement
Landfill Construction
To endorse and support the character counts program in the Town of Coopertown
Mayor Spiller Portrait
Resolution of intent to approve proposed Growth Plan annexation agreement
A Resolution authorizing compensatory time for the Police Department in excess of the maximum established by the personnel policy
Purchase of Fire Truck
A Resolution authorizing the execution of an interlocal agreement creating a joint economic and community development board for Robertson County as set forth in exhibit A, attached
4 Way Stop at Burgess Gower & Sandy Springs Road
A Resolution authorizing the Town of Coopertown to participate in the TML Risk Management Pool Lost Control Matching Grant Program
Growth Boundary
A Resolution establishing Traffic Fines and Costs
Fair Housing Resolution
Donations - Mid Cumberland Human Resources
Donations CME Teachers
Block Grant Program Application
Block Grant Program Assistance
A Resolution directing the Mayor and Alderman to write the Tennessee Department of Employment Security relative to the Municipality's Employer status for Unemployment Compensation purposes
Captial Outlay Note
A Resolution authorizing the establishment of a Police Department
A Resolution to establish a Personnel Policy for the Town of Coopertown, Tennessee
Donations - Non-Profit Organizations
Travel Expenses - Mayor Spiller
Declaration of Constitution Week
PVVFD Consultants - Fire Grant
Bad Check Fees
A Resolution adopting purchasing procedures for the Town of Coopertown, Tennessee
Ten-Year Capital Outlay Notes
A Resolution authorizing The Mayor to execute a mutual aid agreement for firefighting assistance with the City of Springfield, in substantially the form attached as exhibit A
A Resolution authorizing The Mayor to execute a mutual aid agreement for firefighting assistance with the City of Goodlettsville, in substantially the form attached
Resolution of the Governing Body of the Town of Coopertown, Tennessee authorizing the issuance, sale, and payment of interest-bearing public building capital outlay notes not to exceed $100,000
Recognition of John Anderson
Public Systems Inc
Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 8 am- 3 pm
5153 Burgess Gower Rd.
Springfield, TN 37172
Designed by One Eleven